Friday, October 9, 2009

OHP Radio - The Canonball House in Historic Macon, GA

An Invitation For You

Welcome to Our History Project

I want to invite you to the Canonball House Museum in Macon, GA. It is a stop along the trail that you will not forget because it has something for everyone. From the little kids to the big kids they have a piece of history and a love of sharing that will not only embrace you but also immerse you in history. The unique experience in talking to Dorene Buchanan is that she could talk as much about the rest of Historical Macon as she did about the Canonball House, and they want you to explore it all.

The Canonball House is right off I-75 and I-16 in Macon, GA, so the next time you are driving through pull off, stretch your legs and explore some History with them. If your local, what better way to spend the day. They would love to have ya.

Download the show.

Let us know

If you would like your Museum or Historic Site featured let us know. We love doing these and we learn so much about our communities around the country. We do have a growing list now that we are working through by request so get yours in now.

Live Call In Show and Chat

Starting on Monday, October 19 at 10PM we will be hosting a live call in show. This is a new technology that was been provided by 1000Mikes and it will bring another element to Our History Project and we want you to be a part of it. From a landline you can call 678-369-7943 or anywhere in the world by Skype to wesly.c.anderson. We will also be in the chat room at The World Detector Community its free and a lot of fun.

This is brand new for Butch and I so we will be flying by the seat of our pants. We'll get through it and is guaranteed to be a lot of fun.

New Items In

A very big thank you goes out to Gary Williams and The Hanover Brass Foundry for donating a collection of Reproduction Civil War Belt Buckles. They are the beautiful and I will have them up on the website next week. Christmas is coming so get yours while they last. Best quality anywhere, and through us it is tax deductable too.


About Us

Our History Project, Inc. is a National Non-Profit Organization based in McDonough, GA. Our Mission and Vision is the Preservation and Education of Our United States History.

We are updating

In March of this year we have moved servers and are in the process of moving all of our audio over to our own. It was due to excessive rising cost and the lowering of service that prompted this move. Please bear with us as we make this transition. If there is a show you are looking for and do not see here as of yet, feel free to contact us and we can get you a direct download link.